Learn about the workings of off-grid PV (photovoltaic) solar power and obtain the skills to size, design, install and provide aftercare for an off-grid solar system according to your client's unique energy requirements. This course makes use of a variety of multimedia, including podcasts that are great for learning on-the-go, videos, interactive quizzes and learning guides you can download and read at leisure to ensure that you fully understand the subject matter.
The different types of renewable energy, their advantages and disadvantages
The possibilities and limitations of PV solar power
The basics of electricity relevant to photovoltaics
The components of a PV system and their functions
The different PV system configurations
How to perform a site survey and how to document your visit
How to calculate loads and energy demand
How to size the solar array and battery bank
The different mounting options for solar modules
How to detect, address and document technical problems
How to work safer using Personal Protection Equipment
What testing should be done when commissioning a system
How to do online monitoring and on-site maintenance of a PV system
How to market your business and approach clients