Are you an absolute beginner where solar power and even electricity are concerned? What forms of energy exist in the world? What does off-grid mean? What are watts, volts and amps and why do they matter? If these are the questions you are asking, then you've found the right course! You can work through the easy-to-follow narrated slides at your own pace and we've also included learning guides you can download and read about the topics in more detail to ensure that you fully understand the subject matter. This course also includes podcasts, which are great for learning on-the-go, videos, videos and interactive quizzes, plus a final self-exam where you can test what you've learned during the training.
Principles of PV Systems is an incredible course for students of all ages and experience levels who want to understand PV Solar on a deeper level.
You will learn:
The different types of renewable energy available and the advantages and disadvantages of each
How renewable energy is used in your country and elsewhere in the world
The basic operating principles of photovoltaics
The definition of electrical terms relevant to PV solar
The difference between AC and DC power, and the pros and cons of each
The components that make up an off-grid PV system and their functions
The difference between lead acid and lithium-ion batteries
How to identify different PV system configurations, including AC- and DC-coupled
A solid internet connection
A computer or laptop with sound
A PDF reader, such as Adobe Acrobat, to access the learning guides